Hey, I'm @phuongboi
phuongboi is the name of a mountain area located in Central Highland of Vietnam
Check out my projects
My Background / About Me
I'm a software engineer in Vietnam.
My major and interest is computer vision/robotics. Recently, I am interesting in data-driven control. I am looking for a new position, if you know the avaiable positions, please contact me at kytaithon84@gmail.com
My Work / My Projects
Implement some SLAM algorithm in python
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Lunar Lander
Solve OpenAI's lunar lander with some reinforcement learning algorithms
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Playing atari games with reinforcement learning
Playing game pong with q-learing
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Land following with reinforcement learning
Using CoppeliaSim(V-REP), ROS, Q-learning
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FastSLAM with CoppeliaSim
Using CoppeliaSim(V-REP), ROS, FastSLAM
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Pushing and Grasping with reinforcement learning
Using CoppeliaSim(V-REP), Q-learning
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Drone Control with Reinforcement Learning
Using gym-pybullet-drones, PPO
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Agile Flight Control using MPC and Neural Net
Using Neural Network imitate MPC
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Mapless navigation in CoppeliaSim
Using Soft Actor Critic, ROS, CoppeliaSim
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Robot navigation in crowd
Using LSTM, Value Network, Q-learning, ORCA
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